This vehicle has a good running engine with a 3-speed manual stick transmission. As an old vehicle, there are many things that need touching up, cleaning up but is driveable as is. Main thing is that the starter takes awhile to catch and needs rebuilding. The scooter has endless possibilities. Can be painted any color scheme, custom wheels etc. Top speed is 40mph.
1987 Cushman Haulster/Vanster
Going down a farm road
This scooter has a very small turning radius
VIN etc...

I'm sure this Cushman never had a title, so I applied for and received a bonded Texas title in 2012. Not all Cushman vehicles are eligible for a title. This Cushman has badges stamped MOTORCYCLE and has a serial number and a 17-digit VIN, which made the process smoother. I went through a title service to get the title and it cost me a few hundred bucks. I recently contacted the lady who did the title work and she said since the time I titled my Haulster, Texas laws have become more difficult. Supposedly, instead of just filing the proper paperwork and paying the fees, you have to physically take your vehicle to an auto theft officer at a designated police department to inspect it and verify the numbers. This service would only be available in major cities, so if you live far from a major city, you'd have to trailer your vehicle and take it for inspection. This would be way too much hassle for me. I had looked into purchasing a Truckster without a title, but this new requirement is a deal breaker. For the record, my title is a bonded title. I was told at the time I applied for it that I would receive a regular title after a couple of years and no liens being found. After about 8 years, I've never received a new title but maybe I have to request it at the courthouse. A bonded title is transferable just like a regular title.
UPDATE: After about 8 years of having the bonded title, I paid the $28 fee at the courthouse to get my regular title without the word "bonded" on it. After about two weeks, I received a new title but it STILL had bonded on it. The ladies at the courthouse had it wrong and I wasted $28.
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